Kamis, 24 November 2011


Besides the capital city of Jakarta there are two other cities that had become the capital of Indonesia during the first freedom struggle is Yogyakarta and the second is Bukittinggi.sesuai to its name this town located in the High plains and hills are part of a series of rows which is a series of mountains and hills that ran in along the Sumatran island so as to reach travelers going through the winding road and climb duntuk get here.
Bukittinggi is a very historic city for bangasa Indonesia is where in 1948 established the Emergency Government (Government of Indonesia emergency) because Capital In Yogyakarta fell into the hands of the Dutch and Mr. Ir.Mohammad hatta First vice-president of Indonesia also born in this city.
With beautiful natural scenery and mild weather it is not surprising Bukittinggi be an option for vacationing tourists ever since the Dutch colonial era
Tourists visiting the United Kingdom may be able to visit several tourist attractions including the option


      Talk about the city when the city of London landmarks famous clock tower in the form of big tires as a timepiece for the citizens of the town clock is a landmark city gadang Bukittinggi.bangunan high as 26 meters with gadang house as the roof and four large clocks that exist on each side was built in 1926 by architect Yazid Sutan ameh tooth was a gift from the Dutch Queen for Rook maker who served as secretary of Bukittinggi on itu.Gadang itself in the language of Minangkabau means can be interpreted as clock hours gadang besar.Bagi citizens Bukittinggi City Tower is ground zero hour which means the center of Bukittinggi kota.dahulu tourists were allowed to rise up above the peak hours but given the large sieve sieve and the effect of age at the earthquake that struck western Sumatra, so there are faulty parts gadang hours then when I get there hours gadang being repaired and the tourists are not allowed to ride again keatasnya.pada Sundays or holidays people often exercise or activity held in a city park where note-hour clock berada.bila sieve sieve has a unique number pointing at the clock in the form of the Roman sieve should be written for a 4-hour IV but in the large sieve is written in the form IIII is not clear why the numbers are written like that but certainly it is at one of the attractions tourists visiting hours gadang.bagi wiastawan who want to shop and enjoy the typical cuisine of hours gadang Minang we just walk a few hundred feet above already arrived on the market for those who want to know the place of tourism data, maps, restaurant and hotel in Bukittingi they can visit the tourist information center of Bukittinggi is located directly across clock tower


      For those who like the different tours may visit Jepang.sebenarnya less precise hole when the hole might call it a cave proper defense lebaih Jepang.Lubang Japan is situated adjacent to the canyon sianok.Lubang Japan is open every day and if you want to explore this hole will be safer using the services of a guide because such caves other Japanese defense which was also built in some other places in Indonesia than the length of this cave also has lots of holes so that visitors can get lost in it after paying a ticket visitors will enter a hole as high as 2 meters and down hundreds of steps down over 40 meters according to guide this place was built the Imperial Japanese Army in 1944 as a stronghold and hideout in the face of allied soldiers who will enter the town of Bukittinggi in the second world war to the hole but was never used because the Japanese army has given up first in August 1945 due to its atomic bombed cities Hiroshima and new Nagasaki.lubang itself known to exist by the people of Bukittinggi in 1950.dalam trip down the hole Japanese visitors will see the surveillance room that is used to monitor the conditions outside, Space ambush to ambush opponents who came, romusha prison space for the fight, arsenal of weapons, ammunition room, kitchen and sleeping space for the Japanese army and Japanese Romusha.lubang have multiple exits right now there is a door that is next to the highway that connects the city of Bukittinggi and some are just above the canyon cliff Sianok we naturally ask how them escape when the gap underneath that question unanswered because of the large trees that can be used as a tool vines escape jurang.saat down toward the hole is not all parts of Japan, which opened to the public and of the hole out there is only one open to the public is that are closed and locked.


      Yet to Bukittinggi when not to gorge Sianok this expression exactly like when we witness the beauty of the canyon sianok.ngarai sinaok a ravine with the depth and length that extends along the region Bukittinggi stone walls towering and streams that are below it adds to its beauty, tourists can witnessed the panoramic canyon Sianok observations from places that are here also there is a statue of two Japanese soldiers in the attitude Sianok pointed toward the canyon.


Tepat diseberang ngarai sianok dan Lubang Jepang terdapat museum Ekasatriya Mandala dimuseum ini pengunjung dapat menyaksikan koleksi senjata dan peninggalan lainnya terutama yang ditemukan dari Lubang Jepang dihalaman museum ini terdapat sebuah pesawat tempur kuno yang pernah dimiliki RI">  Sianok directly across the canyon and there is a museum of Japanese Holes Ekasatriya Mandala dimuseum visitors can watch a collection of weapons and other relics were found mainly from Japanese yard hole there is a museum of ancient fighter who ever owned RI


For those of you who have visited Fort De Kock can visit the zoo through the bridge contained diseberanganya Limpapeh.jembatan Limpapeh


In history lessons we learn Padri war fought by Imam Bonjol my lord and his friends is one terdahsyat and longest war and caused huge losses for the Dutch side one of the relics related to the war we witness is a monument to Fort De Kock.sejatinya fort Fort De Kock had been destroyed which we witness now is the monuments as evidence that in the past, this is where the founding of the fort and also a replica of some ancient cannon